I called the $60,000 sedan a tech-lover's dream car, due to its jet pilot display, handwriting recognizing touchpad, and first-of-its kind Google Earth GPS and in-vehicle WiFi.
Tech News Record
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
New graphene discovery: harvest energy from flowing water
flow of water over surfaces coated with the nanomaterial graphene could generate small amounts of electricity.
As long as water is flowing over the graphene-coated devices, they should be able to provide a reliable source of power.
"While a similar effect has been observed for carbon nanotubes, this is the first such study with graphene. The energy-harvesting capability of graphene was at least an order of magnitude superior to nanotubes.
oil and gas companies would like to augment this process by sending out large numbers of microscale or nanoscale sensors into new and existing drill wells.
solution for a key challenge to realizing these autonomous microsensors, which will need to be self-powered.
We'll wrap the graphene coating around the sensor, and it will act as a 'smart skin' that serves as a nanofluidic power generator,"
Shocking Discovery about Moon - Earth's Magnetotail Charges The Surface up 1000s volts
The last time man walked on the moon was in 1972. Now, NASA is planning to re-visit the moon by the year 2020 -- but a shocking discovery about Earth's companion may put a hold on those plans.
2008. On the side of the moon facing the sun, ultraviolet particles disrupt the electromagnetic effect, keeping the voltage at low levels, but on the dark side, the voltage can reach hundreds or thousands of volts.
If astronauts walked across the charged surface, they might feel a static shock -- just like walking across a carpet and then touching a door knob. It's not a deadly shock, but a powerful zap!
NASA's Opportunity Rover tops 20 miles of Mars driving

More than seven years into what was planned as a three-month mission on Mars, NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has driven more than 20 miles, which is more than 50 times the mission's original distance goal.